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Pupils are admitted to school in accordance with our Trust Policy.
Application Procedure
Applications for entrance into Maypole Primary School should be made through Kent Primary Admissions Scheme. You will be required to apply online at www.kent.gov.uk or complete the Reception Common Application Form (RCAF) and return it to the Local Authority before the county closing date.
The application process will open in early November each year for admission in the following September.
Children are admitted to the school during the academic year in which they are five years old. All children must start school, at the latest, in the term after they are five years old. At Maypole Primary School, we admit all children of this age at the start of the Autumn Term.
ADMISSIONS 25-26ADMISSIONS 24-25Number intended to admit in each academic year is 60.
Admission for Year Groups other than Reception
In Year Casual Admissions are admissions which take place outside of the normal entry to school. An IYCAF (in year common application form) must be completed and returned to the school for process. If a place is not available a refusal letter and a request for to join the waiting list will be sent out. In Year Casual Admission Forms are available from the school office, on the School website or online
If the number of preferences for the school is more than the number of spaces available, places will be allocated in the following priority order:
Oversubscription Criteria for admission
Statement of SEND
Before the application of oversubscription criteria, children with a statement of special educational need or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school will be admitted. As a result of this, the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly.
If the number of preferences for the school is more than the number of spaces available, places will be allocated in the following priority order, and the school's Waiting List will be re-ranked, in line with the published oversubscription criteria, every time a child is added
Children in Local Authority Care or Previously in Local Authority Care – a child under the age of 18 years for whom the local authority provides accommodation by agreement with their parents/carers (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) or who ceased to be so because they became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order under Part IV of the Act.
Current Family Association - a brother or sister in the same school at the time of entry where the family continue to live at the same address as when the sibling was admitted – or – if they have moved – live within 2 miles of the school, or have moved to a property that is nearer to the school than the previous property as defined by the ‘Nearness’ criterion’ (below).
In this context brother or sister means children who live as brother and sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters, foster brothers or sisters.
Health and Special Access Reasons – Medical, health, social and special access reasons will be applied in accordance with the school’s legal obligations, in particular those under the Equality Act 2010. Priority will be given to those children whose mental or physical impairment means they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school. Equally this priority will apply to children whose parents’/guardians’ physical or mental health or social needs mean that they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school. Such claims will need to be supported by written evidence from a suitably qualified medical or other practitioner who can demonstrate a special connection between these needs and the particular school.
Nearness of children's homes to school - we use the distance between the child’s permanent home address and the school, measured in a straight line using Ordnance Survey address point data. Distances are measured from a point defined as within the child’s home to a point defined as within the school as specified by Ordnance Survey. The same address point on the school site is used for everybody. When we apply the distance criterion for the school, these straight-line measurements are used to determine how close each applicant’s address is to the school. Where applications are made from properties or abodes that are not registered to the NLPG, including new build properties, KCC may be required to use planning sites or other relevant co-ordinates. In exceptional circumstances where alternative co-ordinates are not available, measurements will be determined by a Senior Admissions Officer and confirmed by Head of Service.
The Local Authority offers all places. Should you be refused a place you may request that your child’s name be included on the school’s waiting list. You also have the right to appeal. If you wish to appeal we recommend that you contact Kent County Council Admissions.
For further advice call Kent County Council admissions on 03000 41 21 21 or email primaryadmissions@kent.gov.uk
This year KCC will not be supplying parents with a copy of their publication “Admission to Secondary School in Kent” as this is available to download on their website www.kent.gov.uk/secondaryadmissions. As in previous years, parents are now encouraged to make their secondary school application online at www.kent.gov.uk/ola.
To help you choose the best school for your child, all the Secondary Schools will hold open sessions where you will be able to look around, meet the staff, listen to the Headteacher’s talk and receive information about each school. The details of all these open sessions can be found on www.kent.gov.uk/secondaryadmissions. We ask parents to refrain from taking their children out of school to visit prospective schools and that these visits are undertaken during the evening sessions where possible.
Parents who wish to complete a written application can either download a form from the website or contact the admissions team on 03000 416678 to request an application form. Forms should be returned to Admissions, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XQ.
If you submit an online application, you will receive an e-mail reply giving you a unique reference number which will allow you to view or change the details you have sent.
Parents of Kent pupils complete a Kent application, even if they are applying for a school outside Kent. Parents of non-Kent pupils must apply through their home authority, even if they want a Kent School. Parents of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or EHC Plan should not complete a SCAF, please contact your local SEN Office for more information.
At the Year 6 parents’ consultation evenings, you will have the opportunity to discuss your school choices for your child. In the meantime, if you have any further queries please arrange to come into school to talk to me or you can contact the Online Admissions Team on 03000 416678 or email kent.admissions@kent.gov.uk